When implementing an e-invoicing solution, it is almost guaranteed that the first invoices that you produce are invalid. It is strongly recommended that you use a validator to ensure that your invoices meet all requirements! Even once that your solution is up an running it is a good idea to validate all outgoing and also incoming invoices.
Electronic invoices must have a certain structure that is determined by the syntax chosen, either UBL or CII. The syntax specifies which elements must exist and where they live inside the syntax tree.
The XML standards also specify the exact order of elements. Fortunately, E-Invoice-EU automatically sorts its output so that you don't have to bother about the order of your input data, no matter whether it comes from a spreadsheet via a Mapping or directly from JSON in the internal invoice format.
The correct syntax is ensured by E-Invoice-EU. It validates the input data against the respective schema which ensures that the input is syntactically correct.
The schema also contain the code lists so that you can be sure that wherever applicable only allowed values are used. Likewise, number and date formats are checked.
But there are also semantic requirements called business rules. An example for such a rule is that if the payable amount of the invoice is positive, it must either include a due date or payment terms, see BR-CO-25.
In general, E-Invoice-EU does not check these semantic requirements.
A lot of these rules come from the standard itself. Others rules are set up by the member states in the form of Core Invoice Usage Specifications (CIUS), see the chapter Extensions.
When reading these rules, you will often see the abbreviation BT. BT stands
for business term and is simply the identifier for a certain invoice field.
For example, the issue date of an invoice is business term number 2 or short
BT-2, see the documentation for
This documentation contains an almost complete list of business terms, see Business Terms with links to the Peppol UBL invoice documentation.
Well, you will have no choice. E-invoice validation software quotes these rules in their error messages. It is very hard to understand the error messages without knowing what exactly the business terms mentioned in the rule stand for.
The standard also uses the term business group or BG in short. Business groups
are simply groups of related business terms. BG-4 for example contains
information about the seller like electronic and postal addresses, tax
schemes, legal information and so on, see
This documentation contains an almost complete list of business groups, see Business Groups with links to the Peppol UBL invoice documentation.
All known validators are written in Java and they only cover a certain subset of different formats. The only exception is the Practical Peppol validator that covers a very wide range of in formats. But it is not straightforward to set up or integrate into another software.
That limits the choice to online validators but that would mean that invoice data would be sent over the internet and for data privacy reasons, this should not happen automatically but users should opt-in to this feature.
However, offering the option of automatic validation is a feature planned for the future, see GitHub issue #78.
You can either upload e-invoices to an online validator or use self-hosted software for validation purposes.
The list of software and websites following is incomplete. If you want to add an entry, please file an [issue](https://github.com/gflohr/e-invoice-eu/issues)!
Online validators are easy to use but you have to keep in mind that invoices contain personal data and may also contain business or trade secrets. Please check all legal requirements before you use them.
The following online validators are freely available:
The Ecosio validator uses the Practical Peppol validator under the hood. You have extract the XML embedded into the PDF for using these validators.
The Practical Peppol validator offers a SOAP interface and is suitable for automated validation scenarios.
The Ecosio validator uses the Practical Peppol validator under the hood.
The Practical Peppol validator offers a SOAP interface and is suitable for automated validation scenarios.
Mustang project offers validation of Factur-X/ZUGFeRD and XRECHNUNG documents. You need a Java Runtime Environment for using it.
If you have Java installed, download the Mustang-CLI-*VERSION*.jar
from their
release page and save
it as Mustang-CLI.jar
in the directory contrib/validators/factur-x
After that you can validate Factur-X/ZUGFeRD like this:
node contrib/validators/factur-x/factur-x-validate.mjs INVOICE_DOCUMENT
In case of an error, you will get a detailed error report which is unfortunately not very easy to understand.
You can pass PDF documents with embedded e-invoices and also bare XML files. The validator also supports documents following the German XRechnung standard. Check the Mustang project homepage for up-to-date information.
If you haven't installed the Java interpreter in your $PATH
, you can set
the environment variable $JAVA
to the location of the Java executable.
Likewise. you can point the environment variable $MUSTANG_CLI_JAR
to the
location of the Mustangproject Jar file if it cannot be found at
The Practical Peppol validator can be set up locally. You have to contact the author for details.
The German Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards - KoSIT maintains a free and open source validator for arbitrary e-invoice formats.
You need a Java Runtime Environment (version 11 or newer) and download at least two pieces of software, the actual validator and a so-called "validation scenario" with the schemas of the supported formats.
Download the file validator-*VERSION*-distribution.zip
. It contains a file
. Save it as validationtool.jar
in the directory contrib/validators/kosit
Please try out that you can run the validator executable with this command:
java -jar contrib/validators/kosit/validationtool.jar
It should display a help page with usage information.
A "scenario" for XRECHNUNG is available at https://github.com/itplr-kosit/validator-configuration-xrechnung/releases.
Download the file validator-configuration-xrechnung_*VERSION*_*DATE*.zip
and unpack it in the directory contrib/validators/kosit/xrechnung-scenario
This should now work:
ls contrib/validators/kosit/xrechnung-scenario/scenarios.xml
This scenario contains schemas for UBL, CII, and various versions of the German XRECHNUNG format.
Now you can run the validator like this:
node contrib/validators/kosit/validate.mjs invoice.pdf
You will see the result of the validation on the console. Additionally, a
file *INVOICE_DOCUMENT*-report.xml
will be generated with a detailed
validation report and a visualization of the invoice. Despite the filename
extension .xml
, the report is an HTML file and can be displayed in the
You can pass multiple files on the commandline if you want to validate more than one document at once.
Alternatively, you can start the validator as a daemon:
node contrib/validators/kosit/validate.mjs --daemon
The option -D
is an alias for --daemon
You can now open a web interface at http://localhost:8080/ and upload invoices to be validated.
Alternatively, you can auch curl
oder httpie
verwendet werden:
$ curl POST -d @./invoice.xml http://localhost:8080/
$ http POST -d @./invoice.xml http://localhost:8080/
For complete usage information of the validator, run this command:
$ node contrib/validators/kosit/validate.mjs --help
Note that the wrapper script always passes the mandatory arguments --scenarios
and --repository