Amounts have to be numbers >= 0 with at most two decimal places. The following JSON schema should work for this:
"type": "number",
"multipleOf": 0.01
This is even documented in the JSON Schema documentation. Unfortunately, this does not work with the JavaScript implementation, see
There are workarounds for this limitation of Ajv but we want to avoid people naïvely validating against the schema with Ajv without applying the necessary workaround. It looks simpler to require all amounts to be formatted beforehand by the software that generates the input data.
The problem for percentages is the same only that percentages can have up to four decimal digits.
For other numerical types, like quantities, we could use numbers but for consistency we use strings throughout the schema.
See SheetJS GitHub issue #1569. You can probably ignore this warning, unless you run into a problem with number formats.
You will often see references to business terms in validation error messages. You can look up to which elements they belong in our list of Business Terms.
Make sure that only the sheet that contains the printable invoice data has
a print range defined. You can check that with the menu entry
Format -> Print Ranges -> Edit
. For all other sheets, all three options
have to be set to None